Freak Show

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The story surely is a delight to listen especially when you yourself are down and out it surely has ample things to make you believe that you still have what it takes to emerge. The description in the book is quite nice and is in an understandable tone. Billy is just seventeen when he not only shifts his place to live but also the person with whom he is living.

He comes and settles with his father after his mother fails to move much further with him in life. The writer very beautifully describes the mentality of a boy whose life changes at once even his school life changes all his friends suddenly disappear and he finds himself in Florida which is not an easy place to start a life.Freak Show by James St. James

He tries to hide behind the books on his first day which is a natural thing for a newcomer who wants to adjust himself to the new atmosphere. The character of Billy surely makes us feel happy when we see that he is trying to fight against the odds and prepares himself all the time for the battle instead of running away like a coward. Billy represents the group of children who usually after the separation of their parents lose hope and most of the time resort to addiction, but he is one of the rare cases, the one with the no make up look.

There are several narrators that are used in the narration department like Ben Estus, Suzanne Toren, Tracey Petrillo, Caitlin Kelly which makes it a bit difficult at the start to understand different characters but after a while, we get used to it and it is all quite enjoyable. Gone (Gone #1) – Michael Grant and Forgotten Realms) The Shadow Stone – Richard Baker are some of the other fantasy and sci-fi based novels for the reader’s of such stories.

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