Dragonlance: Dark Disciple

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Margaret Weis has created a wonderful fantasy through his trilogy which has turns and twists at each step. The dragonlance world this time is more terrible than ever in which even the gods can suffer if they are not keeping an eye on their surroundings and the development around them. Mina a mortal in the land where everything is magical and the people are immortal and with godly powers starts her quest that takes her on a tour of a lifetime.

She starts her quest with a band of friends not because she likes such tasks but because she is force to do so in order to save her life and the life of the people around her that are caught by forces with which they cannot compete on their own.

Dragonlance: Dark Disciple

The escape of Mina from prison is quite dramatic and described in such a way that our interest in the character and her fate is aroused to the maximum as if we start hoping or praying for her survival and success. Mina has to fight the dark powers that grew more and more powerful at the end of everyday and thus time is running out for her and her friends all the time.

In the last part of the series the secret about Mina is revealed to her as she goes to the world that is called Godshome in order to protect the crazed god. The killing of the people like the knight Krell also quite well described in a high drama. Leslie Bellair narrates in high pitch and energy that the trilogy needed and thus makes the whole book a master piece.   


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Dragonlance: Elven Nation



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