The Fourth Secret

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Divine Apostasy Series

With the third temple restored, Ruwen must swiftly prepare his ravaged city against an imminent invasion. Racing against time and meager resources, he scrambles to fortify defenses and revive a capable army, bargaining desperately for allies. Even taking an unwanted new class, Ruwen fears he faces an impossible, hopeless fight.

As war erupts, a shattering revelation strikes – Ruwen isn’t the only one glimpsing the future, and his grim fate seems sealed for certain defeat. Overshadowed by a ominous fourth secret, he contemplates abandoning destiny altogether, ready to forsake everything rather than face the coming carnage. For with the future looking so catastrophically bleak, Ruwen sees death now as the best outcome left. Building unpredictably to an epic clash, this next installment raises the stakes to new heights as Ruwen’s world descends into chaos. Will he manage to chart a path through the coming dark days or meet his doom like countless before?


Uru’s Third Temple Divine Apostasy, Book 3

Legion’s Fifth Vault


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