Eight Winter Nights

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The fun takes place at the Hanukkah parties in Liz Maverick’s stories. Liz has talked so much about these parties in which the couples meet and at times they get separated too. Rachel has remained a bookworm most of her life and she thought that she would not be able to find the perfect match for herself. Meeting Oz was a wonderful experience as he was the kind of man who stole her heart at the first glance.

The two had some nice evenings together and then Tamara entered the story and everything went upside down. Soon Oz started hanging out with Rachel’s best friend and all she could do was hang out with her books once again. Now a year has passed and Rachel has been writing about Oz in an anonymous way in his books. The good news is that Oz has separated from Tamara and Rachel thought that she had the chance but the man again wants to reunite with Tamara.

Eight Winter Nights

The worst part is that he needs Rachel’s help in this case and he wants her to write letters from his side to her best friend. Jason Clarke and Eva Kaminsky have narrated excellently here because they were given the duty to narrate a love that has not come to light in most parts of the story. Tailoring this book was equally difficult as The Transporter and The Financier because the author had to depict mixed emotions in the story. Rachel thinks that Oz has come to her for a second time because of a reason and she must not let him go out of her hands this second time.


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