Ever After

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Kim Harrison has taken the fight to the human world since the launching of A Perfect Blood, the human world is hunting for the perfect blood than can make them one of the immortals. Rachel’s life is in danger and with it the existence of the entire world of magic. If the parallel domain is destroyed during the fight all the magic along with the magical creatures will end in dust. The side that Rachel chooses is clear and final she must protect the world to which she belongs. The intentions of the humans are also not worth supporting anyway.

Ironically the blood sucking creatures of the dark are now saving their own skin from the humans who are preparing a heavy attack which would end up everything the demons now. In the ever after KuSox has made Rachel’s friends hostage and she prefers her friends over everything. This aspect of Rachel’s personality was missing in Pale Demon. She was more of a solo fighter in the last two but now again she is a team player, she forms a team which she does not trust fully but the planning is perfect.

Ever After

The day walker must reach back in time after saving her friends, if she fails to reach back in time there would be nothing left to come back for. High fives for Marguerite Gavin after some problems in narration in the initial stages the narrator came up well. The comeback from Gavin is stronger than ever before and the narrator has removed the weaknesses forever. Ending is not complete but it has been a fashion of these vampire tales they just never end.


A Perfect Blood

The Undead Pool


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