A Perfect Blood

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War time with the humans for the unique one and now considered as the chosen one Rachel Morgan. No matter what the task was she just fulfilled it in Black Magic Sanction and  White Witch, Black Curse . Even the Witch world was against her but the White Witch was not afraid to put her head in the situation. From one side she never had any threat i.e the human world because human re innocent and fragile.

Well not anymore now, the humans have a purpose to fight for i.e the blood of the demon that can walk in the day light. The only demon who can walk in the day light is none other than Rachel herself. Her blood can cure the wounded but that does not seem to be the purpose of the gang of humans. They want to have the powers of the demons for which they want the blood sample of the most powerful demon there is.

A Perfect Blood

Rachel after very long time faces difficulty in the fight, firstly she does not want to kill the mortal humans and secondly she is developing the tendency to fight alone. She was relying on her team of the elf and the vampire before and they saved her on the rarest of occasions but not now. She walks alone and that is her apparent weakness, there could be the reason that she wants to go easy on the man world and unleashing full potential is not a good idea. Kim Harrison also faces the criticism that she intentionally is making Rachel fall to prove that humans are giving a tough competition. No criticism on Marguerite Gavin at any place from any of the fans.


Pale Demon

Ever After


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