Final Days: Colony

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Earth was collapsing in the first part and the tragedy did take place in the end thus the people of the Earth are now dependent on Eden. Eden insured the people of the earth that it would take them to a new planet where they would be able to start a new life. The promise is fulfilled but there are many doubts in the mind of the survivors.

First question that the survivors want to ask is about the way they reached the new planet, second of course would be related to the advanced technology that Lewis had. But Lewis has just vanished after the landing was made because of the meteor shower.

Kendra and Andrew still search for Lewis because he was the one with answers in Final Days but the rest of the population engages itself in settling on the new planet. Nathan Hystad and Jasper T. Scott make the scene more mysterious by adding strange creatures that might be waiting for the humans to be in their meal basket. Kendra is sure that there are certain secrets behind the forbidden mountains and if they don’t get to Lewis fast they might not be able to survive much longer.

Final Days: Colony

Ray Porter gives desperation sound to narration to convey the message of restlessness to the fans. Things are not settling for the humans rather they are in much grave danger now on an unknown planet. Platform is set for Final Days: Escape i.e the third book which will decide the fate of the humans. From this book the fate is looking quite dull because the humans are without resources and they desperately are in need of help.


Word of Truth

Final Days: Escape


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