Fire from the Sky: Hostile Fire

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Fire from the Sky: Hostile Fire is a fantastic novel that will amaze you with all its characters and the fantastic storyline. It is part 7 of the Fire from the Sky novel series. The subject novel and the whole series in a post-apocalyptic science fiction fantasy. Lee Alan, as expected is once again back with his powerful voice to give the best possible narration of this novel.

William Shirley looked at the people, who he had actually summoned and were believed by others as being called as a reconnaissance in force. They gathered all their equipment and self-stripped from all their ranks. Three different squads were merged into one unified platoon of 31 people.

Fire from the Sky: Hostile Fire

They were added into an already established platoon of 35 more people. They would go in the northern direction in a small group of vehicles, which also included a school bus for the sake of investigating the situation in the northern part of the Alabama-Tennessee state.

The Shirley’s group is known to have lost a huge deal of equipment and even personnel in that particular state area. And, he actually wanted to know about the why and who part of all this. The author is pure class when it comes to writing the most engaging science fiction novels. You will find him absolutely at his best in The fire from the Sky novel series.

If you are looking for more novels by N. C. Reed and something more from the mentioned novel series, then give a go to the Brotherhood of Fire and Odd Billy Todd. These are popular and successful novels and with the audio narration, it becomes an experience par excellence.


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