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Tim Tigner starts the mystery item like a short story, with a brief description of the characters and then on to the story in a flash. The two people come to their senses and find them in a state in which an ordinary man can lose his senses within no time.

They are locked in a box like thing and they are travelling at least that’s what they can tell from the sounds coming from the surroundings and then the constant jerks. Who are the two travelers the author does not tell us about them at all just to raise the curiosity and where they are being taken also has a big question mark.

They were abducted but by whom no one knows and perhaps when they would be able to comprehend the situation it would be too late from all perspectives. There is another one lying beside them but the man is not alive he is recently shot because the blood that is coming out of his chest is fresh.


The mystery point arises when the two who are locked in the same trunk have different years in their memories. Their memories do not coordinate well with one another, for one the year us 2001 and for the other it is 2002. Time is racing for the two and they could end up like the cop lying next to them. The Price of Time and Chasing Ivan are the two closest in concept by the author. Like most of the author’s work this novel is narrated by Dick Hill, that’s why the listener should never expect any pauses anywhere ever.


The Dreamer

The Price of Time


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