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Gemina is a teen and young adult fictional novel. It is written by the authors’ duo of Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. The book tells a great story that was highly appreciated by all the audience who have already gone through this one. The duo has also paired in the writing of a few other brilliant novels. The most considerable work done by both of them together is Illuminae and Aurora Burning.

The narration of this novel is done by a team of narrators which was led by Carlo Corvo. The performance overall was quite good and the audience loved to experience individual voices for different characters.


This amazing science fiction saga starts quite brilliantly and manages to grab your attention right at the beginning. It introduces the character of Hanna who is the pampered daughter of Nik, who is the captain of the station. Nik was a completely reluctant member of the crime family. But, just as the pair was struggling with the different hard realities of life at the most boring station of the galaxy, they had little idea that Kady and Hypatia are going towards Heimdall. They were carrying the news of the invasion of Kerenza.

Nik and Hanna were thrown together to defend their own home when an elite strike team managed to invade the station. The alien predators at their end were picking off the residents of the station one by one.

The storyline of Gemina is a bit hard to grasp but if you managed to do so then you will find no other book better than this one. The performances from all the narrators were quite magnificent and the audience enjoyed it more than the story itself.



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