Shadow Study

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Shadow Study is the 4th chapter in The Chronicles of Ixia series. It is a fictional collection which has some great content to inspire and entertain the audience. The book is written by Maria V. Snyder. She is an American author and is best known for her highly gripping Study series. Poison Study was her debut novel and it did quite well for her audience by announcing herself as one of the promising writers of her time. Another exciting novel from the same Study series is Dawn Study.

Gabra Zackman has narrated this chapter. The performer as always was perfect and every expression from Gabra was thoroughly enjoyed by the listeners.

Shadow Study

Quite weirdly, when Yelena all on her own was a poison taster then her life was quite straightforward and simpler. But she managed to survive to become a pivotal part in maintaining the balance of power between the rival countries of Sitia and Ixia. Now, she uses to employ her magic to ensure peace in both places. And, also to protect her long but fragile relationship with Valek. All of a sudden, they are both beset by those who were vying for the power coming through intrigue and politics. The job of Valek and also his own life were both in grave danger. On top of that, the magic of Yelena also gets blocked just as she tries to uncover the reality behind these plots.

All the characters in this book are fantastic. There were a few spoilers in the plot but they were at their bare minimum. It was just that the novel was missing its magic in the beginning but soon it managed to pace up well for the audience.




Night Study


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