Innocent Blood

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Just when people wanted to hear about Jordon Stone he disappeared from the scene and the previous part was all about Arthur and his brother Christian. This one again joins the first and second part City of Screams and The Blood Gospel. We again witness the team of archeologists that became the main focus in the initial portions of the series. James Rollins along with Rebecca Cantrell tried to move the series without Jordon and as most people think that the series looked less spicy without him, they added him again.

Innocent Blood

The Sanguine folds are visited by Erin Granger as he believes the words that were written in the Blood Gospel about a boy who is an angel in reality. The myth leads them the ruins once again but at the same time the evil forces are also searching for the same boy. The boy possesses extraordinary powers as he is an angel with flesh and blood. They have to go far beyond their limits to know the truth hidden behind all this. The group of these three people searches for the truth about the early life of Christ as well because the main stream of the story is joined to it.

The search of these two groups lead them directly to the gates of Hell and it is up to them whether they should try to keep it shut or let it open in order to unleash destruction and death on the mother earth. The novel hints towards the end of humanity and Christian Baskous’ narrates with quite a lot of cries and yelling that are a part of the story to show grief and pain.

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