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League of Dragons

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League of Dragons is chapter 9 of The Temeraire Series. It is a fictional series with an amazing plot and strong characters. The book and the entire series are written by Naomi Novik who is a renowned American author with plenty of books to her credit. Spinning Silver and A Deadly Education stands as her most recognized novels with countless copies sold already. The audio version of these novels is even more impressive and something that you will find hard to resist, especially if you are a lover of fictional novels.

Simon Vance seems to be the best choice of Naomi Novik for narrating her novels as the pair have teamed up multiple times before as well. This combination worked yet again as the performance was spectacular and the audience enjoyed every bit of it.

League of Dragons

The invasion of Napoleon in Russia has gone to be roundly thwarted. But, even Will Laurence and Temperaire, the dragon goes on to pursue the retreating enemy through the extreme winters. Napoleon is working on raising a strong and new force and he will soon be having good enough men and dragons to get back into an offensive position.

Just as all the emperor regroups, then the allies have the much-needed opportunity to make the first strike and defeat him right away. This is only possible if the petty squabbles and the ongoing internal squabbles don’t tear them apart. Napoleon was well aware of his weakened position and promised dragons of every country the new rights if they fight under his banner.

The novel will make you enjoy a lethal combination of sympathetic characters, military history, and some really exciting styles and situations to make this one a great tale with lots of fun.

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Blood of Tyrants

There There


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