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Locked In (Jessica Daniel #01)

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The novel is surely considered a thriller by Kerry Wilkinson because the story starts with a murder in a locked house. There are no clues and even the source through which the murderer entered the house or approached the victim is unknown. This entire incident makes the case a unique one and tough to crack.

This is the first in the series of Jessica Daniel who is a detective that like difficult cases with no clues present inside or outside the house. In the current novel, Jessica has a rival as well who makes the competition tighter for her. Her rival is a journalist who pretends that perhaps he is more informed about the case than Jessica. Thus it’s a race against time as well Jessica must solve the case before anyone else as it is a matter of repute for her as well or we can consider it as a challenge that is thrown in front of her in which she has to prove her worth.

Locked In (Jessica Daniel #01)

The second murder toward the middle of the story gears up the whole thing because this too is done in the same way inside a locked house. Thus at that time, there is a threat that there might be a serial killer on the move committing murders in an identical pattern. The writer has written the story in order to make us aware of different and new ways of crime that are becoming popular in the present era. The criminals are adopting such techniques these days for their crimes that catching them has become impossible for the local police and detective agencies.

Becky Hindley narrates in her trademark style which holds the listener for a while in the charm of the voice and makes him listen to the whole thing in one go.     Fall of Giants – Ken Follett and The Killing Forest (Louise Rick Book 7) – Sara Blaedel also bring in some exciting stories and characters to pinch your imagination in a thrilling way.

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