Molly Murphy ( Books 1-17 )

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A real captivating tale by Rhys Bowen who has presented a girl names Molly Murphy who is good and bad at the same time. She is bad because has committed a murder and runs away from law but the reality is that the murder was in self-defense as it was a rape attack on her in which she saved herself and accidentally killed the one who attacked her.

Molly Murphy ( Books 1-17 )

Molly is a girl who is trying to run from her fate, the fate that her mother predicted. She uses her beauty charm in order to save herself and runs from Ireland with a fake identity and settles in America which she thinks is a land of liberty. Again trying to start a new life the poor girl is again stuck in a murder issue that can make her deported to Ireland again which was similar to the death of course.

For the second time Molly takes a step forward in life and instead of running starts an investigation of her own in order to solve the murder mystery. Molly after the case becomes a full-time detective and starts solving different cases in America. The whole series continues on her new cases that she accepts and her ever-developing skill in the art of finding the missing links. She solves murders, runaways, and robberies.

Molly Murphy ( Books 1-17 )

It shows that it was always fate like her mother told her related to murders but the thing that she understood later that it was the profession of a detective to which her fate was leading to not toward a scaffold. Nicola Barber has done a splendid job in narrating the tale and presenting the character of Molly who is sometimes dejected and then at once becomes energetic.   More books if you need more stories like these could be Killing Mr. Griffin – Lois Duncan, The Girl Who Played with Fire – Stieg Larsson, and The Last Thing I Saw – Alex Sinclair.


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The Last Apprentice: Slither (Book 11)


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    3 thoughts on “Molly Murphy ( Books 1-17 )”

    1. Missing last several chapters of at least 6 books.,.. as someone who has trouble reading print,as I am legally blind this is very frustrating for me to find out the conclusion of the story……if you’re gonna present the book to be listened to please present the WHOLE BOOK!!!!


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