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Lost Girls

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Detective Kim Stone Crime Thriller, Book 3

Jan Cramer narrates yet another one of Angela Marsons’ masterpiece thriller, a series that grips you more intensely when you move from one part to the other. The killings become more ruthless and the scenes becoming more tragic. The suspense is there at every step that forces us to read the story in a single go as the story is well knit and it is by the slow development of the scenes that reveal the secrets one after the other and thus the whole story is like pieces of a big puzzle.

Lost Girls

This time the killing of little girls is like a big game that the criminals play with the families of the kidnapped girls. The kidnapping is always done in the form of a couple, which means that the two girls are kidnapped at the same time but only that girl survive whose family offers the highest price for their daughter. It’s up to the parents that how much financial sacrifice they can make for their child, if they fail in this game of bidding they themselves would be responsible for the fate of their daughter.

Kim Stone and the squad once again find itself in a situation in which the clock is always ticking for them. The thing that is different in the story as compared to Evil Games and Fatal Promise the story at further stage relates to the past life of the families whose girls are kidnapped rather than showing any relation to the personal life of Kim Stone. The turns and twists that the team faces in this tough mission are brilliantly woven; they face failure and deception at every step and the thrill never ends unless the case is solved and the culprit is arrested for good.


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Evil Games

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