Lucky Turtle



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    First love touches our hearts for sure and no matter how hard we try we cannot forget that one love in our life. Bill Roorbach has described that love in a scintillating way in this novel and it goes ahead in the description when compared with Writing Life Stories or other novels like The Girl of the Lake. The story mainly revolves around a teenage girl named Cindra Zoeller who is sent to the reform camp because she was involved in a robbery somehow.

    She was not a villain for sure that’s why she was sent to Camp Challenge so that she can be taught better ways to live her life. There she met strange people who had different origins and strange ways of living their lives.

    Lucky Turtle

    Perhaps she would not have enjoyed living at that place if Lucky had not been there for her. Lucky was one person who came really close to Cindra within no time and in that strange place, their love blossomed at a quick pace after which they thought that they should try to forge a romantic world of their own. The two planned a dramatic escape into the wilderness and succeeded too, with the aid of a few friends.

    The days that Cindra spent with Lucky were the most romantic days of her life and when the rescue party finally retrieved her from the forest, she thought that they had made a mistake. She was happy with Lucky and she was sure that her rescuer had made a mistake because she didn’t want to be rescued. It is the narration by Brittany Pressley which has made this story look more fascinating because there is a feeling in the voice of the narrator which touches the heart directly.

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