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Man and His Symbols

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Very informative, easy language . I could connect to my own experiences . If you come from a christian world view, take what is good and constructive . His view of the Bible and God is completly different from a theological view. He follows a more alchimistic , easter , atheistic view . What I like in him is the humbleness in which he aproaches each patient without trying to make his own view but viewing through the patients own point of view.

He never attempt to say his theory was completly true or a dogma like religion where psychologist and movie making uses as if Jung is the only true source for individualization process. He was only trying to categorize and understand through myrhs , folk tales, arts what all humanbeings share in commun . I don t believe every dream is a projection of your self on others and your repress shadow and emotions trying to find balance . For him God is the unconscious .

Man and His Symbols

He belittle the prophetic and acurate revelation of the bible through dreams as God message for the people and Him stablishing his will. For jung , the subconcious is out of time and space and can fortell the past and future . God as an agent does not exist . Not that all dreams come from God. Gor the majority of other dreams symboles and metaphores are realy interest to investigate,, but also this same symboles can be found in the bible. The problem I see is always too much about the self . While Jesus tell us to deny Self in losing oneself we find it. Jung says in finding oneself you find , incorporate the shadow parts, how to do that , if you are hurting others and harming other people , is the question I ask.

I have seen people embracing their Tirant , trickester , evil shadow to integrate themselves acting the evil upon others and they have no idea that a person is trying to use a psychology theory . The other person is completly lost and confused , not knowing why someone cannot send the same message in a loving, kind respectfull way . You don t pay good with evil , that is what I see happening with to integrate their evil side destroying others.


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