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Midnight Sun

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Twilight saga made millions crazy about it and every part of the series was sold like hot cakes. If we ask people now that who was the primary character in the tale around whom the story revolved the answer would be simple i.e Bella. Bella suffered a lot and also it was she who sacrificed everything for the love of her life.

Not only did she face threats in Twilight and New Moon but also her love forced her to divert away from her specie. Sympathies of the listeners have always been for Bella and all of this happened because we heard the story from her side. Stephenie Meyer now makes us listen to the same story but from Edward’s point of view. Suddenly our conception changes about the series and we start seeing the sufferings of the vampire too. He never wanted to bring the love of his life to the war zone and changing her into a vampire was most teasing thing for him.

Midnight Sun

The love breaks the vampire so much that he stands against his world for the sake of one girl. Also in Jake Abel’s voice we as audience get a chance to know more about Edward’s past as well. In the end one thing is clear i.e Bella did make the right choice. Edward really deserved that sort of love from a human girl because although he was a vampire but he was pure at heart. He never wanted to turn her into a vampire for the sake of her company. He did all that in order to save her life that was more precious to him than anything else.


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    9 thoughts on “Midnight Sun”

    1. Edward Cullens voice in this audio was an absolute NIGHTMARE to listen to. His screeching was so painful. So different from the Edward Cullen in the Twilight series. Painful to listen to. Get some one more credible to read please!!!!!

    2. Perfect reading! Lovely writing. By far I would say the best book of the Twilight series. Enjoyed it thoroughly. It gives a totally different perspective.


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