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Out of the blue, a Paladin emerged as the savior of the land and he stood against the powers that no one believed would be overthrown. More evil remains on the land and it is not easy to get rid of it in a flash.

Among the locals, there are corrupt people who not only steal but also take advantage of other people’s weaknesses. Dark gods who have been thriving on the corruption of the people also think of Allystaire Coldbourne as an imminent threat to their agenda.

Together with the gods and the warlords this time plan to eradicate the mighty Paladin from the face of the planet. Not an easy task surely but the dark side plans well and it has some of its members inside the crew that is helping Allystaire in bringing peace to the land. Daniel M. Ford in Ordination provided the Paladin with some trustworthy and powerful friends. Those friends were also blessed with powers by the same source and they are still with him on the same track.


The mission becomes difficult for the team here with the approach of the longest night. The goddess that has given them powers loses her powers or becomes weak at night. At this time of the year, the enemy can attack the Paladin and his group of warriors because they would have no superpowers to fight with. Allystaire’s powers also disappear but his heart still shines with the light that he has in it.

The band is saved by Allystaire at this spot and luckily they will make it to Crusade i.e the final part of the trilogy in which the good and evil will collide for one last time. Michael Kramer too will need a boaster in narration for the last episode because of the war that will take place.

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