Another story related to the world war and its effects on the economic condition of many people. Jessica Ellicott relates the story to the world’s instability for a while but then she comes back to her story and quite cleverly separates it from the outdoors. The year that the story takes place is 1920 because of which the issues of the world war and the economic instability could never be left aside in the story. Beryl Helliwell the adventuress who was known for her extraordinary skills and performances finally settles down in WalmsleyParva a small little town in England. She has no intentions to make another appearance in public anymore.
Edwina Davenport is another one with financial issues and that why she gives an ad for a lodger. Luckily Beryl arrives out of nowhere in front of her house. Beryl was once her schoolfellow thus it was clear that there was no better option for her than to make Beryl her roommate. As the adjustment would not be that troublesome with someone you already know. Both in need of something open a shop and make themselves private inquiry agents.
The business is suitable for both of them as it could give one the money that is needed and for the other, it could always provide a sense of adventure that was in her bones. Barbara Rosenblat’s narration is good, she has nicely separated the voice of the two characters according to their role also she has kept that old British style in the narration which was perhaps not a must for the story but it makes the story more appealing.

You may also like to listen to The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax and Deja Dead which are interesting and mind capturing the same way this story is.