Nemesis A Miss Marple Mystery

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Unique cases or cases which don’t exist apparently are given to Miss Marple and she has made a career out of these things. She has caught criminals who thought that they had not left any kind of clue. Then in the previous few parts for example A Caribbean Mystery and At Bertram’s Hotel she has solved cases that have happened in the past. In a nutshell, Marple is a detective who can come up with wonders in her field.

She has remained a threat to the criminals in every episode and they have not been able to put her out of the way. Meeting with Mr. Rafiel kicks off this story when Marple meets the man while she was traveling to some distant place. She never thought that she would ever hear from the man again but he sends her a letter in which he tells Marple to investigate a crime after his death. Marple gets surprised after reading the letter but she does not take it seriously at once.

Nemesis A Miss Marple Mystery

The detective thinks that the old man was thinking about uncertain things before his death. Soon a murder takes place and Marple gets a clear hint that someone is trying to bury the past that the old man wanted her to dig. Agatha Christie i.e the writer of the series has a nice relationship with the narrator Emilia Fox now because both have played their role in the creation and presentation of Marple’s character.

Marple runs after the shadows to catch the criminal who has been hiding from the eyes of the police for a long time. Justice gets served once again because Marple is there to get the job done.


At Bertram’s Hotel

Sleeping Murder


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