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Dust of Dreams

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Steven Erikson is an absolute gem in the fictional literary writing fraternity. There are multiple novels written by the author that proves his worth and also makes him an un-disputable master of ancient period science fiction novels.

The Malazan Book of the Fallen gave Steven Erikson great appreciation and acceptance among the audience and the critics as a great literary writer. Dust of Dreams and Reaper’s Gale are two phenomenal chapters out of the series that you would love listening in their audio formats with great performances stored for you.

Dust of Dreams

Dust of Dreams is an epic science fiction fantasy. The novel is 9th chapter of the Malazan Book of the Fallen novel series. Michael Page is the narrator of this novel.

Just like some of the prequels of this chapter, he is once again found at his best with awesome performance given to please the audience.

The exiled Lazan force on the Letherii continent under the command of Adjunct Tavore initiate their march towards the eastern Wastelands. They were marching there to fight for the sake of an unknown mission and that was against the enemy, which they haven’t ever seen in their lives.

Dust of Dreams

The fate that awaits the Bonehunters is something that no warrior can ever prepare for and it is also something that no mortal soul could ever withstand. The enemy here in this situation is uncertain and the only possible weapon is to wield the stubborn courage.

In war, in a way, everyone loses and this is a brutal truth, which could be discovered right in the eyes of every soldier not only in this but every world. This is the harsh reality for them to live with.

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