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Nothing to Lose

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Lee Child has portrayed Reacher fighting against evildoers and gangs with a powerful background in the books such as Jack Reacher: One Shot and Gone Tomorrow. The mission goes bigger than everyone’s expectations currently because Jack to stand for the right thing has to stand against a whole town this time. The town is just not an ordinary place with ordinary people, it has spookiness in it. Despair is the place against which Jack plans to stand as he is on the side of Hope.

The search mission is launched as a first step by the ex-military officer i.e Jack Reacher. He notices a specific place in the town where the secret operation is taking place, no one from the locals dare to enter that particular zone. During the nighttime military officers’ land on the self-created base, one thing is obvious there is a preparation for a big war going on.

Previously a sheriff and some locals who went near the place died a very precarious death after which no one went for an investigation. Jack Reacher also starts facing terrible things when he launches himself in the mission.

Nothing to Lose

Dick Hill also narrates Jack as a stronger man this time, Jack is against an enemy but he is not running away like always. It is not a single life that he is going to save this time rather there are hundreds of people who could die if a step is not taken against the vulgarity. Lee’s novel is perfectly balanced and has all the ingredients well arranged for the old-timers and the newcomers as well.


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