The Affair

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Jack Reacher was a good soldier in the past, and then he just left the army to go solo from thereon. The reason for leaving the army was never discussed and it is one thing he does not want to talk about. Jack does not want to talk about anything even with the people he holds dear. Talking wastes time which is quite important for the man of action who has proven himself in Jack Reacher: One Shot and Gone Tomorrow. Lee Child for the fans especially writes about that one incident that made Jack Reacher what he is today. There was a time when he was just an ordinary soldier i.e obeying orders and doing what was right for the country.

In Mississippi, it all started when a highly influential military officer helped the local gang in an illegal mission. During the mission, an innocent life was lost and the military instead of starting a direct investigation hired Jack for the job. He was asked to go undercover for the mission and gather as much evidence as he could against the officer. For the peacekeeper and a true lover of soil, it was an honor to serve the land undercover.

The Affair

Soon however the mission just went berserk; Jack lost all his connections with the head office and he was left with Elizabeth who was not what he was looking for at first. Dick Hill slips a little in narrating Elizabeth because she is a different kind of girl something different from the routine stuff. But the rest of the performance is neat like ever including some gruff sounds especially produced to show the heaviness in the voice of different characters.


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