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Old World

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Dean always had trouble facing different creatures from all over the universe but more troublesome for him is the disunity among the humans. Many parts of the series tell about the difference of opinion among the humans that make them easy targets for the invading forces. Fighting almost endless battles, Dean and his team have been able to regain control of the planet Earth. Earth has once again become the home of the humans but danger is out there keeping an eye on the weaknesses.

One of the biggest weaknesses that alarms Dean is the difference of opinion in the highest ranks. Not everyone that Dean meets during his trip to the planet and the colony seems to be happy about the upcoming change. Most with the conventional thoughts are of the opinion that the humans should never go to the industrial era.

Old World

Making more and more progress has caused much harm to them but then this is what the pretend to show. From the inside the Restorers have their own dark desires which they want to achieve behind the veil of innocence. Nathan Hystad again keeps the story running on two different levels, while Dean is busy on Earth, Jules and Slate have a trouble of their own to deal with.

Jules and Slate are actually trying to help another race this time because their ship got destroyed by the enemy and now they are sitting ducks. Marc Vietor narrated New Horizon and The Academy in an excellent style just like this one and it looks like he would be the one who will get the chance to narrate the last piece.


New Horizon

The Academy The Survivors, Book 10


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