Pretty Little Liars #1

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Sara Shepard establishes her mystery on the dirty secrets of teenage girls that they want to hide at any cost. A group of five girls used to rule the high school not very long time ago, their names were Aria, Hanna, Spencer and Emily, and Allison. Allison was thought to be the cleverest one so all the girls used to share their secrets with her. Allison after listening to the little secrets had a habit of giving correct suggestions. Also, she kept those secrets to her heart and never told anyone about the developing weaknesses of her dear friends.

Pretty Little Liars #1

The group looked at her as a beacon house and then one day she was gone. No clue was found thus she and the secrets were gone forever. When the main girl got eradicated the group also lost its grip on the school and they thought that it was better for them to separate. Each of the girls selected her path in life but their mischievous nature continued. They were the sort of girls who just cannot remain quiet and live a simple life. One of them had sex with her teacher and another one steals a precious relation from her sister.

The other two girls also show a bizarre kind of lifestyle that could not be considered normal at any rate. One text reunites the gang after one year as the message told each one the secret that they told Allison. Also, the text had the letter “A” at the end hinting towards Allison.

Cassandra Morris narrates the confused state of the girls well here; they forget everything in life and start searching for the one who was sending them the messages.  During the search, they find Allison’s dead body but this does not block the messages, Flawless and Perfect perhaps will uncover the secret of the messages. One thing is certain here i.e the one sending the messages knows all about the present and past of these four girls.


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