Raised in Fire

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Fight with the demons is on for the bounty hunter as he takes another case in the second book of the fire and ice series by K.F. Breene. It has been a routine with LinkedIn that whenever he gets a case and is need of money he gets stuck in something big.

This time however he is with allies who are not genuine friends but are there for the service whenever required. The elder vampire and the two sidekicks join him in the mission but the mission falls big on them when they discover that the guild is behind all of it.

LinkedIn goes to New Orleans because he is told that the office of the local forces is stumped and there is massive killing in the city. As he reaches the place he realizes that the officials were never stumped, their lips were sealed with the help of magic so that they cannot utter out the secret.

Raised in Fire

The Mages’ Guild has some terrible agenda behind the plague and the more LinkedIn will use his powers against them the more his identity would be under threat. The underworld would be on his tail one again if they come to know who he really is.

The story has better plot than Born in Fire and there are improvements on each level of the novel which means that the writer is finally strengthening the series by finally using the right tools. Comic relief is still to be found but not on a large scale. No change in narrator as Nicole Poole was one of those parts of the previous novel that were picture perfect.


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Born in Fire

Fused in Fire


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Raised In Fire - 1
  • 03. Raised In Fire - 2
  • 04. Raised In Fire - 3
  • 05. Raised In Fire - 4
  • 06. Raised In Fire - 5
  • 07. Raised In Fire - 6
  • 08. Raised In Fire - 7
  • 09. Raised In Fire - 8
  • 10. Raised In Fire - 9
  • 11. Raised In Fire - 10

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