Raising Steam

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New changes and improvements are coming in the Discworld and it appears just like the real world until Terry Pratchett introduces the odd outcome of the changes. Dick Simnel a creative genius invents a steam engine and he wants to construct a rail route for the functioning of his invention. No doubt lot of investment is needed for the rail tracks but this thing is easily done when the lad meets Sir Harry King. Harry one of the millionaires of the town invests in the rail route and shows his eagerness in the new business.

However the track installation is not that easy because before everything they have to buy the land through which the track has to pass. Moist Von Lipwig is chosen for the job because he possesses the skill to negotiate with the locals on the issue of land purchase. When everything is done and settled more issues start rising out of nowhere.

Raising Steam

Dwarfs of the land don’t want this new steam engine on their land and they start conspiring against it. Murders and things like riots start to emerge on the land and a political solution is demanded by all. In the absence of the king the people look forward to the Low king but his reality makes everyone feel awed.

After a lot of issues and fights the steam engine finally emerges as a success and is approved by the king which makes it a happy improvement in the Discworld. Just like Thief of Time and The Last Hero this one narrated by Stephen Briggs talk about change in the Discworld. But this change is a pleasant one rather we can call it an improvement. While in the previous two books the changes were negative and their results were disastrous.



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