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Raina the determined one tries to keep her end high by matching with the enemy that has thrown her out of the premises of the mainland. Though many think that now she is gone and defeated and would never rise again but all these are mere assumptions. The warrior girl wants to prove this assumption wrong but the way she selects is slow.

She does not show haste in her actions at this point because she knows that one wrong move at this spot would end up all hopes of her existence even. Raina has launched a guerrilla war in this seventh episode of the “Breaker” series by Edward W. Robertson.

There are two reasons behind her technique first she lacks the resources secondly she wants to see her enemy die at each wound or cut that she give to him. Its gloomy all around as a new enmity is in the making, a loyal lieutenant of Anson wants Raina dead or he at least wants to defeat her in killing his lord. Lowell the lieutenant is the determined sort like Raina and although the council asks her to launch a fight she still fails to take the step.


The war council though wants to answer back the enemy but it is left with no power with which it can execute its will. Like always another threat approaches the land and Ray Chase produces haste in narration which the narrator did in Cut Off  and Relapse too. There is also a sense that the author is trying to wind up the series which means that the epic battle is quite near and by no means Raina appear to be winning at any rate.


Half Broke Horses



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