Shock Wave

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Eric Conger narrates this fifth part of series in a high tone as the matter becomes far bigger than the previous books by John Sandford. In the previous parts like Rough Country and Bad Blood, there were only one or two murders each. This time however it’s kind of a terrorist attack as people are killed in bulk and the reason behind it is not an accident, its bomb blasts one after the other.

This shows that the killer is not only with a motive but he also has a connection to an influential group that is providing him with the much needed technical support in the form of arms.

The story starts with a simple business issue when PyeMart the company with a superstore chain in the town decides to open a new branch in Minnesota. The company just wants to expand the business but the local merchants consider it a threat against their business that may suffer heavy loss because of it.

Shock Wave

Also, there are certain environmentalists that consider it a threat to the river town. Virgil is called on the job when the construction is stooped because of the bomb blasts on the construction site destroying the construction on a massive scale.

For our hero Virgil, loss of a business company and the environmental issues in nothing at all he wants to save the people on the working site.

There an element of a thrill as well because Virgil must arrest the culprit before the third blast as it is expected quite soon and if it happens more people would die. We find the strongest plot of the series this time and the continuation is quite beautiful and appealing.


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Bad Blood-Virgil Flowers Novel

Mad River


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Shock Wave - Unb - 01
  • 03. Shock Wave - Unb - 02
  • 04. Shock Wave - Unb - 03
  • 05. Shock Wave - Unb - 04
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  • 07. Shock Wave - Unb - 06
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  • 09. Shock Wave - Unb - 08
  • 10. Shock Wave - Unb - 09
  • 11. Shock Wave - Unb - 10
  • 12. Shock Wave - Unb - 11
  • 13. Shock Wave - Unb - 12
  • 14. Shock Wave - Unb - 13
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  • 16. Shock Wave - Unb - 15
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  • 19. Shock Wave - Unb - 18

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