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Shroud for the Archbishop

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Shroud of the Archbishop is a crime fiction novel with some gripping suspense. It is a book written by Peter Tremayne who is quite an accomplished mystery thriller novelist. The chapter is part 2 of the Sister Fidelma novel series. The author has got plenty of other novels that will also make a good read, even better in their audio version. The recommended novels written by Peter Tremayne are Dancing with Demons and A Prayer for the Damned.

Carline Lennon has narrated this amazingly written novel. The narrator is good with the performance and made this novel worth listening to in the audio version.

The novel is set in a Rome riven by different political and religious conflicts of varying scales.

Shroud for the Archbishop

Archbishop designates of Canterbury, Wighard has been found strangled in the chambers of the Lateran Palace on Rome. It was in the year 664 AD in Rome. The solutions to this brutal crime appear to be quite straightforward and simple as the guards of the palace have arrested Brother Ronan Ragallach. He was trying to flee from the chamber of Wighard right after the incident.

Although, the monks from Ireland denies any responsibility Bishop Gelasius was quite certain that it was a political crime. There was also a case of missing treasure there. The goodwill gifts brought by Wighad to Rome and the chalices have all been stolen.

Sister Fidelma is invited by Bishop Gelasius for de-escalation as the situation could very well turn into a full-fledge war.

The novel is exciting and Peer Tremayne has added some great flavor in this special mystery thriller which the audience just loved a lot.

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