Lover Betrothed Series, Book 3

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Book one was about the troublesome tale of a man who was badly hit by prophesy about his future and then in the second book the prophecy came true. Still he remained motivated and did not let anyone in Sofia’s life who doesn’t even want him in her life.

Penelope Sky comes to another chilling and totally appealing tale that informs us that the Wife is now lost forever. There is nothing that the main character can do to restore his fortune and the only one he blames is his own self. But then he cannot live without his wife and is willing to do anything to bring her back in his life.

The loss has made him mad and he appears to lose his rationality completely but the focus still can be seen when he talks about the love of his life. Michael Ferraiuolo and Lia Langola dealt masterly with the situation in Husband and it is also the same kind of situation just more in intensity. Hades intensity in love goes sky high as he tries to restore the situation and tries to undo where he has gone wrong in life.

Lover Betrothed Series, Book 3

He knows that it was the curse that was on him all the time took Sofia away from him and now he does not even want her love he just wants her back in one piece. Though this is not the last book but the extreme emotional situation helps us a lot in guessing about the future or the next part. Although most of the fans think that they have guessed what is going to happen in the last part but none will leave the last part untouched because the high drama is a treat to listen.


Husband Betrothed, Book 2



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