Song Machine

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Songs are everywhere in the world of today where we add music intentionally to our work so that we can feel tuned or get into rhythm by the help of the beats. Music too is now not that old kind that is just the outburst of a writer’s imagination, it has developed into a rich pure industry that provides products according to the demand of the people. Even special research takes place and special sound effects are created in digital labs to produce what the people demand.

Thus no even before the launch of a music we can tell that whether it would be a hit or not because the music industry can penetrate into the minds and souls of the general public. John Seabrook goes on a trip from New York to Los Angeles and even moves to Korea for the investigation and material related to his work. He thinks that the people who are doing such jobs are really exceptional as the talent is really one of a kind. Then for the interest of many people the author has quoted many names like Britney Spears to tell that the thing really exists.

Song Machine

A hit does not appear out of nowhere, it has thinking behind it. The appearance of the celebrities also influence their work and the mode in which they come on the stage or in front of the general public too is one of the ingredients of the hits. Thus it is a gradual process that we witness nothing comes out from the blues these days. Those who love this one can also give a glance to Jingle Bell Pop by the author almost sharing the same thoughts.

Dion Graham uses a slow and comparatively low tone for this artistic work. Though the narrator is usually in a habit of narrating fiction but this one is not badly done.


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