Soul Music

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Nigel Planer’s narration has been mind blowing, apart from one or two odd books she has done wonderful so far. Nigel’s voice suits the characters of Terry Pratchett’s books because the author mostly uses female characters in his stories.

Current book introduces another girl whose life changes altogether when she comes to know about the dark secret of her family. Susan from her childhood had some doubts about her grandfather. Surely the old man was not an ordinary man because he had a mesmerizing white horse and a scythe too. But all of these signs never made her look for clues against her grandfather’s true identity.

She felt comfortable to keep the things going as they were so that less complication develops in the family. One day reality discloses itself in the form of a shock as Susan is told about their family business. Her grandfather was actually “Death” and now it was her time to join the profession in his place. Whole scene is not very strange for the listeners because they are listening to the Discworld adventures and such odd things do occur here and there.  Witches Abroad and Pyramids shared many unique adventures and creatures with the fans.

Soul Music

For Susan there is one big problem i.e she is too cute to be “Death”, she appears more like a princess or a fairy rather than death. When she approaches someone he gets existed instead of being afraid. Young girl also is fond of music and she wants to continue in her own way instead of following her grandfather’s footprints. It is Death with a new appearance the one that would fascinate people in the time to come.


Interesting Times



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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Discworld 16 - Soul Music - 01
  • 03. Discworld 16 - Soul Music - 02
  • 04. Discworld 16 - Soul Music - 03
  • 05. Discworld 16 - Soul Music - 04
  • 06. Discworld 16 - Soul Music - 05
  • 07. Discworld 16 - Soul Music - 06
  • 08. Discworld 16 - Soul Music - 07
  • 09. Discworld 16 - Soul Music - 08
  • 10. Discworld 16 - Soul Music - 09

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