Space Force

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Satire and humor is what the story is all about at the start but toward the middle the fight and action becomes a bit corrosive for the Space Force. The story first informs us about the past when the Space Force was established for the first time as an elite force that could protect the nation from the outside world.

The forces never took the whole thing quite seriously and because of this the whole project was a complete failure when different issues appeared on the camera related to the performance of the Space Force. The whole force got indulged slackness, drinking, insubordination and of course sex.

Space Force

People like Captain Ethan Stone used to appear on the scene making things even worse for the whole project and its recruits. Jeremy Robinson like always make the things a bit stiff and serious when the alien invade the solar system and the only force left on which the people of the earth could count on is the Space Force as they are the one who have the technology and at the same time they are the most skilled people available on such a short notice.

Suddenly the fate of the earth lies in the hands of this troop, something that we don’t see in  Infinite. The war starts and the winner takes all situation leaves the fate of the earth hanging in balance. The force that was considered to be useless five years back suddenly becomes the most important on in the present. There are more than one narrator that are being used in the novel which prove to be a good experiment as all of them including Jeffrey Kafer, Machelle Williams and Emily Woo Zeller have played their part well. 


The Distance

Hell Divers V: Captives


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