Take Control of Your Life

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`Often it is said that books change a life, a person listening to a positive thing develops a positive outlook. However, all of this is usually just talk and the books seldom affect the mind so deeply that their impact can be felt years later. Most of the time we the listeners tend to forget most of the chapters just after closing the book down. Mel Robbin’s books are not like those books at all; these books are those rare ones that can be treated as antique items.

The author continues the same thing that she focused on in The 5 Second Rule and Kick Ass with Mel Robbins. She wants her listeners to motivate themselves mentally after which they would be able to conquer their fears. It is not the surroundings that inculcate fear in our minds rather it is our mind that creates such devils and thus we with our own hands make our life miserable. The author at first categorizes fear; she puts them in different sections and then talks about them one at a time.

Take Control of Your Life

Most of the time people think that they would be left alone by their friends and dear ones so they start fearing loneliness even when no such thing exists around them. Some don’t like their jobs but fail to experiment further in new fields because they fear that they might fail in a big way. Mel in her voice brings to us the bitterest truths about life and the good thing about her books is that she always comes with the perfect solution for the problems that she discusses. Not only can we enjoy this book in leisure time but also we can apply it in our life.


Cleaning the Gold

Heads Will Roll


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    2 thoughts on “Take Control of Your Life”

    1. Thank you tokybook!

      If you have come here, then maybe you are suffering from some fear! This audiobook is your way to set yourself free.


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