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City of Lust

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The story can be termed as the story of Romeo and Juliet with a spice of the modern world in it. This is a book 5 in the series and you can continue to listen to the other books and series including Imp World ~ Books 1-2, 4-6, 8-9, 11-12, 13, 15, 16, 21-23, 25-25.5 – Debra Dunbar.

This time the lover’s created by Debra Dunbar are not the one who will be defeated by the evil planning of their families and the society. They are bound to keep their ends high in the game of love. Both Amber and Irix after getting entangled in love come to know about the enmity of their families and also the evil past that these families hide from the society and also form their new generation.

City of Lust

The love affair proves to be the spark that was needed for the restart of the war between the two families that had been the result of brutal slaughtering between these families for the last nine hundred years. Amber and Irix try to convince their families through every mean possible so that this time the love affair could be with a happy ending instead of a tragic ending like that of Romeo and Juliet.

The writer has beautifully described Italy as well as the city of romance and then has added hate and an element of war in it which is something new and quite appealing to the mind as well. The series is in quite a good continuation as well and the writer seemed to have done quite a research for the description of the cities and also the family traditions of the people of those areas.

Hollie Jackson has done the narrator’s job excellently and has done justice with the whole drama in the narration department by the high pitched voice that was the demand of the scene.

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