The Authenticity Project


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    The Authenticity Project is a literary fiction novel with a mind-blowing story. It is a book written by Clare Pooley masterfully and deserves all appreciation. Another novel from the author that is worth mentioning here is The Sober Diaries. For The Authenticity project novel, Anna Cordell has done the narration and added a lot to this tale with her quality of expression and tone. Her emphasis at some prominent places made them even more poignant.

    Julian Jessop is a lonely and an eccentric artist who firmly believes that most of the people aren’t honest with each other in the true sense. But what in case if they were? Therefore, he writes here in a green and plain journal with all the truth about his own life and had it left in his café. It is then run by the incredibly efficient and tidy Monica who furtively adds her own entry and then left this book across the street in a wine bar. Before long, all others who managed to find this green book added truths about their very own personal life secrets. It didn’t took long for them to find themselves in the Real Life at Monica’s Café.

    The Authenticity Project

    Hazard is a notable character in the book who is a charming fellow making every attempt to get sober. Then there is Alice who is a fantastic mommy Instagrammer having a lesser perfect real life than what others see about her online.

    The Authenticity Project is a very enchanting novel. It is funny, heartbreakingly and painfully true, all at the same time. All the characters would become your friends instantly and you really wouldn’t want this chapter to end at all.


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    3 thoughts on “The Authenticity Project”

    1. Great book, but it is extremely frustrating when you are mid track and the audio stops and it goes back to track 1. Unfortunately, it happens often.


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