The Dragon’s Codex

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The dragon eggs fell from the sky seventy five years ago and no one has been able to comprehend the purpose or reason of the thing. Then the war started in The Dragon’s Egg and both sides fought for a very long time then they perished and only one dragon was left. Rogue City could have been the last place Ben ever visited but he was able to survive all that. Now he decides to travel towards north in order to find some place safe. Though nothing appears to be safe but he still marches on with a hope of survival.

The Dragon's Codex

The hunters are continuously looking for him and there is very little chance that he will get a safe shelter long enough to settle down permanently. David A. Wells has not given a lot of details about the past because the book already had so much to talk about. Dragon Codex happens to be the chief motive of Ben which Derek Perkins has narrated in high intensity. It is a matter of survival and the clock is ticking for Ben and the people who depend on him.

The Dragon's Codex

Previously Thinblade was the quickest paced book which David had written but after this the listener is bound to change his opinion. Every step of the book is like a thrilling adventure and Ben is not looking to fight back not because he has lost strength but because the enemy is stronger than ever. Following the plan is the ideal way in this situation or everything which Ben has worked for will be ruined and there would be nothing which anyone could do about it.


The Dragon’s Egg

The Dragon’s Fang


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