The Hidden Masters of Marandur

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Mages and Mechanics were never the sort that could co-exist in any of the issues but then the impossible really happened in the first novel of the series. Jack Campbell unites Mari and Alain in The Dragons of Dorcastle  to show that the unification was never that difficult actually no one was paying attention to it. The two characters help each other and become a symbol of a perfect match which shows that the two need the help of each other. The not only love each other but also need each other for their survival.

The Hidden Masters of Marandur

Both Mari and Alain’s lives are in danger as they are the only two in both guilds who have finally come to realize what truth is. People from both sides want them dead and they think that they are the only couple that can save the whole world from a collapse.

The Mage can alter reality and the Mechanics have the potential to build amazing tools and together they can bear the storm no matter how strong it is. They have to save themselves before saving the world for which they come to Marandur that has shut itself for the world for ages now.

The story takes the form of a travelogue and we clearly observe more enthusiasm in the voice of MacLeod Andrews especially during the running away from danger scenes. The skills of the two characters are really matchless and in this second part the coordination between the two is much better. The two have started working as a team and a sense of care is emerging which can be termed as love at first sight.


The Dragons of Dorcastle

Stark’s War


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