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The Longest Ride

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Couples from new and old generations combine for this fantastic little story by Nicholas Sparks. Love and romance are the author’s favorite themes and he has a unique way of portraying these things too. The first couple is the strange sort in the story as one of them is not present in the physical world anymore. The other who is alive also happens to be on his death bed but his wife’s soul is trying to motivate him at every step.

Ira at the age of ninety one does not possess any zeal to complete the century especially when he gets injured after an accident he thinks that life is over for him. Then as he prepares himself to face the approaching death he is grabbed firmly by the soul of his wife who wants to keep him in the real world. Ira in this critical condition fully remembers that his wife died years ago but she is somehow with him, trying to make him remember every moment they cherished together.

The Longest Ride

Later Ron McLarty and January LaVoy narrate the story of the second couple who come together after Sophia breaks up with her first lover. Luke who happens to be Sophia’s new boyfriend gives a new meaning to her life when he makes her see the world beyond boundaries. It is not like The Return and Every Breath in which there was just one couple under discussion all the time. The novel provides equal time to all the main and supporting characters and in the ending portion, each one of them had a proper role which proved their worth in the tale.


The Best of Me

The Wedding


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