The Summer Melt

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The Summer Melt is a romance novel. It is written by Emily March. She is a bestselling author on multiple platforms of more than 30 novels which are mostly romance. The book has dual narrators, Andi Arndt and Dave Gillies. They both did well with their typical accents for the characters of this book.

It was the peak tourism season in Eternity Springs. That was the time when Dana had her hands full with the running of her ice cream parlor named Scoops. The very last thing she needed in that busy time was to have her star employee feeling sick. But still, she was in luck when the vacant spot was filled in by a newcomer in the town. He was extremely handsome with a very catchy and sexy Scottish accent, and that for Dana was an added treat.

The Summer Melt

Cal was an A-list sports agent who was visiting Eternity Springs to scout the different marriage locations for a client. The idea was also not to be distracted by any means by the charming ice cream parlor owner.

But when she got short-staffed then he just couldn’t resist grabbing the opportunity and helping her. If he plays everything right then he might get a return favor from her to see the most exotic and romantic destinations of that beautiful town. They got close to each other with some definite attraction. But, will it lead to romance or just melt away before the end of summer?

The Summer Melt is a nice romantic novel with an excellent plot and then lots of fun. The characters are very strongly written and you will love their sense of humor as well.


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