Fields of Fire

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Fields of Fire is another great attempt by the author, Marko Kloos. It is a contemporary science fiction novella, with an amazing story to fantasize all its audience. Fields of Fire is the 5th chapter of the Frontlines saga and worth having a go at. Luke Daniels, just like before is flawlessly amazing with his top quality voice and the best expression ever, which this novel and its character demanded.

The right time has just come in order to take the battle to the Lankies. Mars has been under the supreme control of Lankies for nearly a year now. Since then, the exhausted armed forces of the alliances of Earth have gone on to rebuild all their fleets.

Fields of Fire

They have also managed to staff their old warships with all the newly trained troops. Set right between the need to get win over the Lankies and taking good enough time in order to put together an active battling army, the command has finally agreed to strike now.

Once again, the seasoned veterans, Andrew Grayson and his lovely wife Lt. Halley, the pilot find themselves as in charge of the green forces. There were a lot of uncertainties and a lot of things needed to be confirmed in such a situation. But, if there is one permanent thing in war, then that is no battle plan have the capacity to survive the 1st interaction with the enemy.

The author, Marko Kloos deserved to be read and listened a lot more than just one novel. I you are thinking on the same lines then the best novels from the author that you should check out are Lines of Departure and Terms of Enlistment.



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