City of Time and Magic



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Attention, fans of time-traveling adventures and enchanting tales! Your faithful TOKYBOOK reviewer is back with an thrilling recommendation that will transport you to a world where magic, danger, and the power of choice intertwine. Get ready to be captivated by “City of Time and Magic,” the next installment in Paula Brackston’s beloved Found Things Series.

In this riveting tale, Xanthe faces her most significant challenges yet. Presented with three enchanting treasures—a beautiful writing slope, a heartbreakingly detailed mourning brooch, and a stunning gem-set hat pin—she must choose wisely. Each treasure calls to her, but selecting the wrong one could send her on a mission that deviates from her primary goal, and the stakes have never been higher.

Xanthe’s previous journey to Regency England was a success, but her return home came at a great cost: Liam, her beloved, was taken from her and spirited away to another time and place. Determined to find him, Xanthe knows she must follow the treasure that will lead her to Liam, or risk losing him forever.

Convinced that Mistress Flyte is holding Liam captive, Xanthe sets out to rescue him. However, she soon discovers that Lydia Flyte has been monitoring the activities of the Visionary Society—a group of ruthless and unscrupulous Spinners who have been selling their talents to a club of wealthy clients. Xanthe realizes that her duty as a Spinner must take precedence over her personal desires, as the Visionary Society poses a grave threat to the authentic order of things, and their actions could have catastrophic consequences for the future.

Xanthe knows she must confront the Visionary Society head-on, but it will require the skills and support of all her friends, both old and new. As they unite to face this formidable enemy, they understand that not everyone may survive the impending confrontation.

Paula Brackston masterfully weaves together elements of time travel, magic, and the unbreakable bonds of love in this breathtaking installment of the Found Things Series. “City of Time and Magic” is a testament to the power of choice, the strength of friendship, and the lengths one will go to protect those they hold dear.

As Xanthe navigates the treacherous landscape of time and magic, readers will find themselves utterly enthralled by her journey. Brackston’s rich, evocative prose brings each era to life, immersing you in a world where the past, present, and future collide in a dizzying dance of cause and effect.

With its perfect blend of adventure, magic, and heart-pounding suspense, “City of Time and Magic” is a must-read for fans of the Found Things Series and anyone who loves a well-crafted tale of time travel and enchantment. And what better way to experience this captivating story than by listening to the audiobook version on TOKYBOOK?

At TOKYBOOK, we’re committed to providing the best in audio entertainment, and we’re thrilled to offer “City of Time and Magic” and countless other incredible audiobooks completely free of charge, with no disruptive advertisements to pull you out of the story.

So why wait? Head over to TOKYBOOK now and embark on an unforgettable journey with Xanthe as she battles against time, confronts her deepest fears, and discovers the true extent of her powers as a Spinner.

Will Xanthe be able to rescue Liam and defeat the Visionary Society, or will she be forced to make an impossible choice that could alter the course of history? There’s only one way to find out—by immersing yourself in the spellbinding world of “City of Time and Magic” and experiencing the adventure for yourself.

Your next great journey through time awaits, dear listener. Visit TOKYBOOK today and let the magic of Paula Brackston’s storytelling sweep you away!


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