The Garden of Promises and Lies



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Audiobooks For You!

Found Things Series


Hello, lovers of enchanting tales and time-traveling adventures! Your trusted TOKYBOOK reviewer is back with a captivating recommendation that will transport you to a world where the past and present intertwine in a dance of magic, romance, and danger. Prepare to be spellbound by “The Garden of Promises and Lies,” the third installment in Paula Brackston’s bewitching Found Things series.

In this mesmerizing tale, we reunite with Xanthe, a young woman with an extraordinary gift for spinning time. As the winter holidays fade and spring blooms in the Little Shop of Found Things, Xanthe finds herself reflecting on the strange and thrilling events of the past year. Despite her efforts to keep her time-traveling abilities a secret, Xanthe must confront the consequences of inadvertently transporting the menacing Benedict Fairfax to her own time.

Realizing that she must harness her spinning skills to protect herself and her dear friend Flora from Fairfax’s sinister schemes, Xanthe turns to the ancient Spinners book for guidance. Drawn to a stunning antique wedding dress, Xanthe senses a connection between the gown and her adversary. Answering the call from the past, she steps through the dress and finds herself in Bradford-on-Avon in 1815, as if stepping into a Jane Austen story. But her delight is short-lived when she discovers that Fairfax has followed her, determined to hunt down her and Flora for revenge. As the battle of wits between them intensifies, Xanthe realizes she must return to her own time to stop Fairfax before it’s too late.

Back in the present, Xanthe finds Fairfax more dangerous than ever, threatening her to assist him in his wicked deeds. Recognizing the extent of the damage Fairfax is capable of causing, Xanthe decides to enlist the help of Liam, her boyfriend. She resolves to take Liam back in time with her, hoping that their combined efforts will defeat this dangerous foe.

But the bond between Xanthe and Liam is more than just love—it’s a fated connection. As clues from the past begin to unravel, Xanthe realizes their destinies have been intertwined for lifetimes. In their quest for the truth, they must confront not only Fairfax but also the deepest secrets within their own hearts.

As the final confrontation with Fairfax looms, Xanthe and Liam must put their lives on the line to protect the future. With shocking revelations about Fairfax’s true identity and his connection to the Little Shop of Found Things, Xanthe faces the hardest choices of her life. Will her love with Liam be strong enough to defy fate, or will it shatter under the destructive force of Fairfax?

“The Garden of Promises and Lies” is a remarkable novel that weaves together past and present, sizzling romance, and captivating magical mystery. Paula Brackston creates an enchanting world where truth and fiction, history and fantasy intersect in a mesmerizing dance. With her skillful guidance, the story gradually unveils profound secrets about the connection between Xanthe, her family, and the mysterious past. Xanthe must bravely face the dark forces in both the past and present while discovering her true potential.

With its engaging style and memorable characters, “The Garden of Promises and Lies” is a must-read. It’s the perfect choice for fans of Outlander or time-defying romantic tales. And there’s no better way to experience this gripping novel than the audiobook version on TOKYBOOK. With our commitment to delivering the best audio entertainment experience, you’ll enjoy every aspect of the story in vivid detail, completely free and uninterrupted by ads.

So what are you waiting for? Visit TOKYBOOK now and embark on a thrilling journey with Xanthe as she bravely fights to protect love, family, and the future from the dark schemes of the past. Every mystery and challenge will be gradually unveiled, leading you to a satisfying and moving conclusion.

The Garden of Promises and Lies promises to take you on an unforgettable adventure filled with magic, romance, and mystery. TOKYBOOK is proud to bring you the most exciting audiobooks to relax and immerse yourself in, free of charge and without advertisements.

Your adventure awaits. Are you ready to explore?


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