21 Lessons for the 21st Century

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This is a fantastic piece of writing by Yuval Noah Harari. It is a nonfiction novel based on social sciences. Derek Perkins once again has done a brilliant job in giving powerful narration of this book.

The author in his Sapiens series tries to explore our past. In the Homo Deus, he was looking to predict our future. Now, in the subject book, the intention is to make sense about the most pressing issues of our today. The idea discussed here is fascinate and do the most critical global conversation related with the fact that how to tackle all the problems on the 21st century.

21 Lessons for the 21st Century

How do the robots, computer systems or modern technology alter the meaning of being humankind? How can we tackle the widespread of fake news? Are religions and all the nations of the world still relevant? What should be our teachings for our next generations? The book from Yuval Noah Harari is a visionary and probing investigation about all such pressing issues, just as we penetrate into our future. As technology progresses quickly than we could ever understand, hacking soon then becomes a way of war and that subsequently makes the world even more polarized than ever before.

All these questions and investigations are relevant and something we all need to know and understand for the sake of our survival.

Homo Deus and  Sapiens: De animals a dioses [Sapiens. From Animals to Gods] are other popular books written by Yuval Noah Harari. These are nonfiction novels and based on different real life subject matters. These recommended novels are highly inspirational and deserve a chance to be listened with due enthusiasm.


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Homo Deus

The Demon-Haunted World


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