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A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty

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Joshilyn Jackson has been writing about women in distress for quite a while now and it has been writer’s main strength to portray a woman who is trying to know about her true origin. Sometime the struggle leads her to success and sometime the journey is a devastating thing and nothing else.

We see such situations in The Opposite of Everyone and The Almost Sisters where the women face the violence of society and some inner conflicts as well. This too like several other novels of the writer is narrated by herself which gives her full control over the depiction of the character and their true inner nature. This however is different in respect that it does not talk about a single woman.

A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty

The novel is about three generations of women who spend their lives in misery and hardships. They share some common secrets like always, secrets that should never be revealed in order to keep the family name alive in an honorable manner. The family bond is what they want to keep alive like always, Mosey is the new generation who is horrified when she finds a small grave outside her house.

Her mother Liza too is terrified as it is an evidence of choice that she once made in her youth and the secret is brought to light once again. Jenny the grandmother however still remains successful in keeping the family together by her strong decisions and her big heart. Thus out of three generations the oldest seems to be the strongest as it is keeping the bond strong and love alive in the hearts. The only way however still is to bury the evil past and enjoy the present.

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The Opposite of Everyone

Backseat Saints


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