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The Opposite of Everyone

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A witty novel in deed that not only tells us about family power but it also tells us what it means of not having a family in the first place. The love and relations along with the things buried in the past force us to remind other novels by Joshilyn Jackson like Gods in Alabama and The Almost Sisters in which there was a same sort of situation which the women in novel faced. The place is once again Alabama but the plot of the story is entirely different from the rest of the novels by the writer.

The Opposite of Everyone

The heart touching scenes also appeals us more than ever before if compared with the previous novels. The story is about a divorced lawyer whose life changes as she receives a letter from her mother. For the first time in her life she starts realizing the power of family love as she returns back to the place where she was born. Paula Vauss spend most of her days on street when she was in Alabama where her mother used to tell stories for an earning. Her mother used to blend several Hindu mythologies with her own and thus the stories were always spicy to listen to.

But the true story about herself and Paula landed her in prison and Paula spent the rest of her childhood in a foster care center after that. The memories with her so called mother are thus not so pleasant at all. She still used to pay her mother’s debt but the last cheque is returned with a letter from her mother that forced her to return to her origin.

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Gods in Alabama

A Grown-Up Kind of Pretty


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