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You Suck

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Only Christopher Moore has the capability to produce stuff like this where the author takes the relationships to a different level. Relationships between characters are really weird most of the time in Moore’s works. Here it is a planned relationship between Thomas and Jody that ends up in making Thomas just like his girlfriend. There prove to be some pros and con of this sleepover with Jody, among the benefits of this relationship is that Thomas has become immortal now but there is a disastrous urge too for blood.

You Suck

Moreover the morning light is banned on him because he has turned into a vampire and secondly the vampire who made Judy like him is not welcoming Thomas into the cult. Well no regrets from Thomas because he has been blessed with the presence of Abby a cute little minion he always dreamed off. Just like Practical Demonkeeping and The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove the twist comes in the later stage when Thomas’s friends come looking for him.

The friends from the human world want a favor from him that disgusts him but then he cannot say no to blood sucking now. A call girl needs Thomas and it means only one thing she too has the urge of being among the undead.

Awesome piece of literature by the author and like always it is full of fun and the tragedies seem to be less heart touching because the author don’t want the listener to feel sad after the book ends. Susan Bennett really keeps a firm grip on the narration; the blood sucking scenes do have some hell of noises in them.


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